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April 21, 2004. Parker Elizabeth is born and her new journey begins. |
husband knew a family several years ago around the time Parker was born with 4
amazing kids. Dumbfounded with how polite and mature these children were, my
husband was drawn to ask the Dad what was their secret to having such great
kids. The answer he gave my husband was branded into my mind the minute I heard
it. “You need to teach your kids everything they need to know by the age of 10.”
True or not, it became a constant record playing in the back of my mind and the
mental ticking clock began.
Parker’s 9th birthday last year, I began to feel the hour glass sand
slipping even quicker. One year to go. Have I taught her what’s important? Does she grasp how important
her faith is? What have I left out? When push comes to shove, what are the “nonnegotiable
10” that Parker needs to know? Hence a blog was born.
April 21, 2014. 10 Years Old & so grown up! |
Parker Elizabeth, this
is my love letter to you on your 10th birthday. To be who you are
and the amazing, unique girl that God has created with a purpose. My spiritual
1.Your faith is your own. The baton is handed
to you on this race of faith. And although we hold the baton together for a
short time to make sure you have a good grip, Mommy and Daddy do eventually let
go so you can take it and make it your own on this race. It is your Bible to
read, your prayer time, your relationship, and your opportunity to live each
and every day for God.
2. Confidence in yourself. You are truly “fearfully
and wonderfully made” (Psalms 139:14). Your long legs and love of dance and
volleyball. Your secret curls underneath your hair that you wish no one would
ever know about. The way you can spend hours reading and still beg for just one
more chapter. Your beautiful voice that only your bedroom walls have the privilege
to hear.
3. Puberty! All this body
changing stuff is fortunately and unfortunately perfectly normal. And I know it’s
difficult to navigate your way through it all and to know how to adjust to each
and every step. But I need to let you in on a little secret. Although you may
feel like you are the only odd ball having to go through this, I am confident that
every other girl in your class is tumbling down the same path. I also want you
to know that every time you scream my name from the bathroom, my heart stops
for a brief moment wondering if this is the time it begins.
4. Boys. Ugh. I know you say they are gross. But
believe me, one day there will be one that catches your eye and you will
realize that maybe not all of them were as gross as you had originally thought.
And for the record, that’s ok. We will giggle together over how he makes you
laugh and we will even cry together on the nights when hearts are broken. But know
confidently that God is already preparing your husband for you even now on this
day as you read this letter. It's never too early to pray that he has a heart for Jesus.
This automatically
leads me to my next thought.
5. Always, always, always be true to yourself and who God
created you to be. Let no boy,
friend, or person make you feel the need to act, talk, or live any different
than who you know you are meant to be. Protect your body and keep it for
yourself. Your “likeability” comes from your character and not an action, an outfit
or how much skin you show someone else. Your body is YOUR body and no one else.
Don’t ever accept a comment or inappropriate touch. Let the chameleons be chameleons
and let your true colors stand out amongst the rest, even if you stand alone,
stand firm.
6.You are not me. Day after day it is as if I am
reliving my own childhood through your eyes. I struggled then with how to make
it all work and I struggle even now watching you go through similar situations.
Many times I lack confidence to help you the way you may need to be helped.
Although situations may be similar, I also need to recognize that my life is
not your life. You are your own person, your own set of hopes, dreams, and
goals. God has a plan set apart from your Daddy and I and one that I yearn more
than ever to see each and every day play out.
7. Listen. I have no doubt that God has set you apart
for a special purpose. You have taught me how to sit, soak up, and listen. He
is speaking to you. Teachers and friends may think you are gazing off into
space and not paying attention when I know without hesitation that you are
soaking in every sound, conversation and moment around you with nothing left
unturned. You can recount who was in a room, what they were wearing, where they
were standing and the many conversations that were taking place as far back as
your earliest years. Make sure you continue to create the space to listen to
God and not allowing anyone to conform you to a different way of soaking up the
world around you.
8. It’s ok to be wrong. I can appreciate
your need to be the best at everything you do. Truth is you will get it wrong more
times than you will get it right. One of the hardest things to learn is to not
just recognize when you’ve made a mistake, but to figure out how to make it
right. Much like ripping off a band aide, it’s painful at first. You’re worried
someone may think different of you or be disappointed. But truth is, many times
the worry involved in admitting we messed up is from ourselves and no one else.
Admit when you have messed up, say sorry when you need to and move on to make
it better next time.
9. Be the one. Be the one that speaks to the new student no
one else will approach. Be the one to greet someone with a smile even when
smiling is the last thing you want to do. Be the one that stands up for the
child being picked on while at recess. Be the one that helps pick up the books
that have fallen out of the students backpack, even if you don’t know them. Be the
one to hold the door open for the person whose hands are overloaded. Be the one that offers a part of her lunch (even her favorite fun snack)
when your classmate forgot their lunch at home. Be the one that can sit quiet
and not feel the need to defend the truth even when kids make up lies about
you. Be the one that is good to friends. Be the one that doesn’t say mean
things to other girls just because it seems to be what the group is doing. Be
the one for one other person.
10. I am doing my best. I may not get it
right every day. There are plenty of opportunities missed, harsh words spoken
and regrets of how I should’ve handled it differently. But please know that every
day I consider it an incredible miracle to know that you call me Mommy and that
God has entrusted someone like you into my care. I promise you one thing, I WILL ALWAYS try my best.
10th birthday Parker Elizabeth. As hard as it may be, don’t be in
such a hurry to grow up. Your future IS exciting and full of wonder but YOUR
TODAY is where God is hidden in each and every mundane event from car rides to
school, bed time routines, and movie nights. Each moment is a memory and a time
together and one I will forever be so grateful!
I love you!
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2005, 1 Year Old |
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2006, 2 Years Old |
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2007, 3 Years Old |
2008, 4 Years Old |
2009, 5 Years Old |
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2010, 6 Years Old |
2011, 7 Years Old |
2012, 8 Years Old |
2013, 9 Years Old |
2014, 10 Years Old |
Happy Birthday Parker!! You are such a smart, beautiful girl insode and out. Dont' ever change.
ReplyDeleteSo well written...Such a wonderful girl with a wonderful momma!