Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Eve Peace

There is something so sweet, so simple, and so quiet about Christmas Eve night. Once the church services have ended, new jammies have been opened and the family settles down for their “long winter nap”, there is a quiet that seems to stretch so far and wide and it’s as if the whole world settles down into a quiet space. It’s unlike any other night I have ever experienced. The stores are closed, no more opportunities to find the “perfect gift”, school programs and Christmas letters have all come to a close, and no more rushing around with baking or wrapping presents. It is the calm before the morning storm of opening up presents and playing with new toys. It is a moment right there in the midst of everything that hushes even the most hurried heart. It is the Christmas Eve peace.

Now rewind to today, 6 days and counting and I am feeling anything but peace. It was just one of those days. You know, the kind that makes you want to rock in a corner and eat all of the chocolate chips you have set aside for your holiday baking.

In an attempt to fulfill my dream of making my life a musical, I decided it would be more fun to tell you about my day in a song. Set to the tune of I Wish You A Merry Christmas.

I woke up to find our 2 bikes stolen
and even the ba-by seat is gone
oh what was I e-ven think-ing
when I didn’t put them in the garage.

 Next it was time to g-o to Cooper’s class party
and the tea-cher said to bring the ba-by
got to- the front office and they wouldn’t let us in
how sad he will be.

Got a text from insi-de the classroom
Said si-blings are al-ready in here
So I marched back into the of-fice
And still, got, denied.

Cried my wh-ole way out to my car
Thought, wow, how can this get a-ny worse
Be careful wh-at you wish for
As it’s only 11o’cock.
Baby refu-ses to sleep
Work calls are going unanswered
My house is a—di-saster
Why can’t I get a break

Time to distract the crying baby
She wants my k-eys to play with
At this point I am desperate
And she can have whatever she wants

It’s not until I try to take big sister
To d-ance to disco-ver
That those keys have come-- up missing
Oh boy- What is next?

Luckily the dance stu-dio
Is not far fr-om our hou-se
Enjoyed a n-ice walk in the
Beautiful weather instead.

 Had a large dose of cho-colate popcorn
Thank you Bec-ca f-or the hook up
Got a second wind and de-ci-ded
To look for the keys

Little did we kno-w that--
Keys can hide so well- in my home
Check the gar-bage even the toi-let
Finally heard the jingle in daddy’s dirty clothes.
 Warmed up the old left-over pizza
Then prayed for this day to be over
Lord please forgive my colorful language
And my poor attitude!

 When it’s set to a song, it really doesn’t sound as bad. I desperately need a Christmas Eve peace….right here…right now. In the midst of the madness. Quiet my spirit and help me refocus on you Lord!  

For now though, I sit and nurse a crying baby…maybe she would like some keys to distract her. Come on Christmas Eve peace, I am ready for your warm roasting!




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